
Have you ever noticed that many graphic designers are also musicians? I think it has to do with creativity in general and the way you view the world. At any rate I am one of these hybrid wackos. Please visit my Soundcloud page for some examples of my audio work. And this page will serve as my public forum for my musical tale.

Payne’s Grey

This is my current project. I have to say it is some of the best music I have ever made. My writing partner and guitarist Shawn O’Neill is very talented. Our CD “Pull It Down” has been receiving enormous amounts of positive feedback and songs from it have done very well online. Check out our official site,, or preview and purchase “Pull It Down” at or the iTunes Music Store.

Big Fear

Wow, what can I say? Some of what Big Fear did was amazing! Some was not. At any rate I will need to get approval from the others that were in the band before I can build my Big Fear tribute page. I hope these guys agree to let me post some of the songs. I think a lot of people would like to hear them again.


If you used to hang out at the 500 Cafe in Dallas then there is a good chance that you saw us play. Think back: strange band with just 2 guys on stage… used to bang on hub caps… had a doll that bled from her eyes… don’t remember? Oh well, if I get brave maybe I will post some songs. (Got to give a shout out to the DAV2000 Drum Machine!)